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Exams Officer

Exam Officer Training: OxfordAQA - Results and Post-Results - Summer 2022

If you're new to being an OxfordAQA Exams Officer, we want to make sure you have all the information and advice you need to fulfil your role with confidence.


Results and Post-Results - Summer 2022


Join our free Exams Officer training sessions, scheduled at crucial moments throughout the year. The training will take you through the exams cycle, OxfordAQA's support and procedures, useful hints and tips and what you can expect from us.

Exams Officer

Exams Officer Training: OxfordAQA - Running Exams

If you're new to being an OxfordAQA Exams Officer, we want to make sure you have all the information and advice you need to fulfil your role with confidence.


Exams Officer Training: Running Exams


Join our free Exams Officer training sessions, scheduled at crucial moments throughout the year. The training will take you through the exams cycle, OxfordAQA's support and procedures, useful hints and tips and what you can expect from us.