Pakistan Studies

Engage with prominent debates in Pakistan all throughout its history, right up to the modern day.

International GCSE Pakistan Studies

We developed our International GCSE Pakistan Studies qualification with input from teachers in Pakistan, with content expanding on themes covered lower down the Pakistani National Curriculum to ensure a cohesive learning journey for students.

  • With equal weighting given to history, culture and geography, students will gain a thorough understanding of key debates that have impacted Pakistan through time – including the modern day.
  • Our assessments are designed to differentiate across the ability range, with clear and straightforward questions that balance considerations of accessibility and challenge in line with our Fair Assessment approach.
  • The course includes both compulsory and optional modules to ignite your students’ curiosity and allow for specialisation in areas of particular interest.
"OxfordAQA provided just the right amount of rigour and flexibility that we as students needed."
OxfordAQA Student, Egypt