Prepare the business leaders of tomorrow with this contemporary approach to business strategy.
International AS and A-level Business, our contemporary look at the world of business will engage your students with the critical elements of business strategy, analysis and decision-making and an up-to-date look at digital technology, business ethics and globalisation.
- Themed papers help make revision easier, while the variety of question types will help students develop their ability to analyse data, think critically and make informed decisions – all of which are skills valued by universities and employers.
- Wherever possible we use real-life case studies to make it easier for students to relate and apply the knowledge and skills they’ve developed during the course.
- Exams feature case studies from internationally familiar brands such as Lexus and McDonalds, ensuring no student is disadvantaged.
International AS and A-level Business (9625)
View the switching guide to see the differences between your old International AS/A-level Business specification and the OxfordAQA specification (version updated November 2022).
OxfordAQA International AS/A-level Business covers the following topics:
AS and A-level:
- What is business?
- Marketing
- Operational performance
- Human resources
- Finance
A-level only:
- Mission, objectives and strategy
- Analysing the existing internal position of a business
- Analysing the industry environment
- Analysing the external environment: political, legal, economic, social, technological, environmental
- Analysing strategic options: investment appraisal
- Choosing strategic direction
- Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies
- Managing strategic change
OxfordAQA provides all the resources and advice you need to teach the International AS and A-level Business specification effectively.
- Download the specification
- Read our switching guide
- View our training courses to help you deliver OxfordAQA International AS and A-level Business
- Approved textbooks and resources published by Oxford University Press
We have too many International AS and A-level Business resources to list here, so please visit our resource area for teachers to see them all, including:
- Schemes of work to allow you to plan how to deliver the specification in a way that will best suit you and your students
- Teaching guidance to outline clearly the scope of teaching and learning
- Topic tests and mock exam analysers to allow you to track your students’ progress throughout the teaching year
This is a modular qualification, with four papers over the AS and A-level teaching period.
AS Paper 1 – Business and Markets:
- Any part of section 3.1 of the specification may be assessed
- 1 hour 30 minutes
- 80 marks
- 50% of AS-level, 20% of A-level
AS Paper 2 – Managing Operations, Human Resources and Finance:
- Any part of section 3.2 of the specification may be assessed
- 1 hour 30 minutes
- 80 marks
- 50% of AS-level, 20% of A-level
A-level Paper 1 – Business Strategy:
- Any part of section 3.3 of the specification may be assessed
- 1 hour 45 minutes
- 80 marks
- 30% of A-level
A-level Paper 2 – Business Decision Making:
- Any part of section 3.3 of the specification may be assessed
- 1 hour 45 minutes
- 80 marks
- 30% of A-level
- Candidates may re-sit a unit any number of times.
- The best result for each unit will count towards the final qualification.
- Candidates who wish to repeat a qualification may do so by re-sitting one or more units.
Take a look at:
- The OxfordAQA International AS and A-level Business switching guide
- Example specimen exam paper and mark scheme
You must be an approved OxfordAQA centre to enter students for our exams. Make sure you become an OxfordAQA centre before you start teaching a course.