Resources for teachers

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Resources for International AS and A-level Business (9625)
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Additional past paper resources

View and download past papers for AQA’s UK AS and A-level Business qualifications to test your students’ understanding of key areas of Business. As these papers are aligned to the AQA Business specification, please note there may be content or contexts not included in the OxfordAQA specification. Teachers should ensure they have checked each past paper for suitability before use in teaching.

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Familiarise yourself with the syllabus content and assessment structure of this qualification.

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Scheme of Work

Plan your course with the help of a suggested pathway through the syllabus so you can be sure you are covering the essential content.

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Switching guide

Quickly see the differences between your old International A-level Business specification and the OxfordAQA specification.

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Business training

To understand the specification and our assessment approach, you can register for all upcoming sessions and watch the webinar recordings.

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Teaching guidance document

Useful information for teachers, including subject-specific vocabulary, key models and theories, and command words used in exams.

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Teaching guidance video

Preparing to teach Business? Watch our ‘Teacher Guidance’ video to fully orient yourself with the specification and assessment requirements.

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Textbooks are also available from Oxford University Press. If you would like a closer look at the Oxford University Press textbook that supports this qualification, click on the link below. This will allow you to create an account that will give you free access to a 30-day online evaluation copy, meaning you can explore the resource and make sure it is right for you and your students.

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Marked exemplars

Prepare your students in exam technique with the help of exemplar student answers and examiner commentaries that show how examiners interpret the mark scheme.

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Enhanced Results Analysis™ tool

Our free Enhanced Results Analysis™ tool (ERA™) gives you instant analysis of your students’ results. You’ll see how students performed in each unit and topic, and the marks they received for each question. This allows you to see which questions proved the most challenging, or how different classes performed, so you know what areas to focus on in following years. ERA™ is available after results are published.

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Familiarise yourself with the syllabus content and assessment structure of this qualification.

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Scheme of Work

Plan your course with the help of a suggested pathway through the syllabus so you can be sure you are covering the essential content.

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Switching guide

Quickly see the differences between your old International A-level Business specification and the OxfordAQA specification.

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Business training

To understand the specification and our assessment approach, you can register for all upcoming sessions and watch the webinar recordings.

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Teaching guidance document

Useful information for teachers, including subject-specific vocabulary, key models and theories, and command words used in exams.

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Teaching guidance video

Preparing to teach Business? Watch our ‘Teacher Guidance’ video to fully orient yourself with the specification and assessment requirements.

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Textbooks are also available from Oxford University Press. If you would like a closer look at the Oxford University Press textbook that supports this qualification, click on the link below. This will allow you to create an account that will give you free access to a 30-day online evaluation copy, meaning you can explore the resource and make sure it is right for you and your students.

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Additional past paper resources

View and download past papers for AQA’s UK AS and A-level Business qualifications to test your students’ understanding of key areas of Business. As these papers are aligned to the AQA Business specification, please note there may be content or contexts not included in the OxfordAQA specification. Teachers should ensure they have checked each past paper for suitability before use in teaching.

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Marked exemplars

Prepare your students in exam technique with the help of exemplar student answers and examiner commentaries that show how examiners interpret the mark scheme.

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Enhanced Results Analysis™ tool

Our free Enhanced Results Analysis™ tool (ERA™) gives you instant analysis of your students’ results. You’ll see how students performed in each unit and topic, and the marks they received for each question. This allows you to see which questions proved the most challenging, or how different classes performed, so you know what areas to focus on in following years. ERA™ is available after results are published.