An engaging and up-to-date Economics specification to inspire, challenge and motivate every student.
Reflecting recent developments in international economics, this International AS/A-level specification places an emphasis on behavioural economics, the importance of financial markets, inequality within and between countries, and environmental issues.
- A clear separation between micro- and macroeconomics and clarity in the specification on what candidates are expected to know means teachers can prepare students effectively for exams.
- Exams feature an appropriate range of question types to enable Fair Assessment, including multiple choice and scaffolded long-answer questions.
- Quantitative skills are clearly signposted and make this International AS and A-level excellent preparation for university study.
International AS and A-level Economics (9640)
View the switching guide to see the differences between your old International AS/A-level Economics specification and the OxfordAQA specification (version updated November 2022).
OxfordAQA International AS/A-level Economics covers the following topics:
AS Unit 1: The operation of markets, market failure and the role of government
- The economic problem and methodology
- How markets work
- An introduction to production, costs, revenue and profit
- Competitive and concentrated markets
- Market failure and government intervention in markets
AS Unit 2: The national economy in a global environment
- The measurement of macroeconomic performance
- How the macroeconomy works
- Economic performance
- Macroeconomic policy
A2 Unit 3: The economics of business behaviour and the distribution of income
- The objectives of individuals and firms
- Costs, revenue and profits
- Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly
- The labour market
- Poverty and inequality
A2 Unit 4: Economic development and global environment
- Globalisation and trade
- The balance of payments, exchange rates and financial markets
- Economic growth and development
OxfordAQA provides all the resources and advice you need to teach the International AS and A-level Economics specification effectively.
- Download the specification
- Read our switching guide
- View our training courses to help you deliver OxfordAQA International AS and A-level Economics
- Approved textbooks and resources published by Oxford University Press
We have too many International AS and A-level Economics resources to list here, so please visit our resources for teachers area to see them all, including:
- Schemes of work to allow you to plan how to deliver the specification in a way that will best suit you and your students
- Teaching guidance to outline clearly the scope of teaching and learning
- Topic tests and mock exam analysers to allow you to track your students’ progress throughout the teaching year
This is a modular qualification, with four papers over the AS and A-level teaching period.
AS Paper 1 – The Operation of Markets, Market Failure and the Role of Government:
- Any part of sections 3.1 and 3.5 of the specification may be assessed
- 1 hour 45 minutes
- 80 marks
- 50% of AS-level, 20% of A-level
AS Paper 2 – The National Economy in a Global Environment:
- Any part of sections 3.2 and 3.5 of the specification may be assessed
- 1 hour 45 minutes
- 80 marks
- 50% of AS-level, 20% of A-level
A-level Paper 1 – The Economics of Business Behaviour and the Distribution of Income:
- Any part of sections 3.3 and 3.5 of the specification may be assessed
- 2 hours
- 90 marks
- 30% of A-level
A-level Paper 2 – Economic Development and the Global Economy:
- Any part of sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the specification may be assessed
- 2 hours
- 90 marks
- 30% of A-level
- Candidates may re-sit a unit any number of times.
- The best result for each unit will count towards the final qualification.
- Candidates who wish to repeat a qualification may do so by re-sitting one or more units.
Take a look at:
- The OxfordAQA International AS and A-level Economics switching guide
- Example specimen exam paper and mark scheme
You must be an approved OxfordAQA centre to enter students for our exams. Make sure you become an OxfordAQA centre before you start teaching a course.