Information and resources for OxfordAQA Exams Officers
Information about the support we provide for Exams Officers, from online resources to training events.
Centre Services
To access online services and school-specific information, OxfordAQA Exam Officers can log in to Centre Services.
Find out how to register for Centre Services.
Centre Services is where you will find essential Resources, Results services, Teacher Online Standardisation (T-OLS) and more. It has all the centre-specific services you’ll need as an Exams Officer running OxfordAQA’s international qualifications.
These are available as standard:
- Resources – including, exam past papers, example answers and examiner commentary.
- Teacher Online Standardisation (T-OLS) – controlled assessment and NEA administration tools.
These are not available as standard – you’ll need to ask your Centre Services administrator for access:
- Access arrangements
- Centre details
- Administration – for centre administrators to manage their staff’s Centre Services access
- Results section – see how your school, subject, class and individual students have performed
- Entries – see how your school, subject, class and individual students have performed
- Key dates
- Modified papers – for partially sighted candidates
- Post-results services – request copies of marked exam papers (“access to scripts”) or a review of marking
- Special consideration – for when a student is disadvantaged or absent from an exam.
If a user needs admin level access, their Head of Centre needs to email the request to [email protected] using the following guidance:
The subject line should be ‘Change of admin’, and please include in the email:
- your centre number
- whether you would like to add or change the main administrator
- the name and email of the new/additional main administrator – please give the specific individual’s school email address, not a generic school email address (e.g. [email protected])
- the name and email of the previous main administrator – please also confirm whether their account should be removed
- that your new/additional main administrator has given their consent to manage other centre user accounts
This email must be sent from the Head of Centre’s email address. We cannot accept:
- Emails from Personal Assistants, Exams Officers or any other members of staff
- Emails from a generic school email address (e.g. [email protected])
- Centre letters of verification in response to security checks
OxfordAQA website login
The OxfordAQA website is full of valuable resources to support teachers. Some of these resources are available exclusively to existing OxfordAQA centres, such as detailed teacher guidance packs, past exam papers and mark schemes. To access secure resources, teachers need a login.
If you are an Exams Officer in an approved OxfordAQA school and you have teachers who need to access secured resources, you can request a login for them.
Complete the form here. Please note that this request must be submitted by the school Exams Officer. Note that we cannot grant logins to students.
Exams update email newsletter
We send a monthly round-up for Exams Officers with updates on processes, subjects and policy changes.
If you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter, please get in touch. (Please note this is only available to OxfordAQA Exams Officers and you must provide your centre number in your request).
Before you can offer OxfordAQA qualifications, you must become an OxfordAQA school. Once you are an approved school, you can make entries for OxfordAQA qualifications. We charge a fee for each exam entry to our qualifications and a small annual fee. For full details of the fees for your specific region, please contact us.
Training for Exams Officers
We offer e-learning courses, webinars and face-to-face training events throughout the academic year to help you with the process of exams administration, and to support new Exams Officers. You can view upcoming and previous webinars and training events for Exams Officers here.
We also strongly recommend that you complete our comprehensive e-learning courses for Exams Officers below. There is a course for all exams office staff and a course specifically for centre administrators.
You can also read our top tips for Exams Officers blog post.
The Exams Officer e-learning course
Module 1 – OxfordAQA Centre Services
This module will help you to familiarise yourself with all the core processes you’ll need to navigate and use the Centre Services website.
Access moduleModule 2 – OxfordAQA Centre Services: Pre-exams
This module will give you guidance on how to make and view entries in Centre Services and navigate to the JCQ Centre Admin Portal link.
Access moduleModule 3 – OxfordAQA Centre Services: Exams
This module will guide you through the key processes found within the Exams tab in Centre Services.
Access moduleModule 4 – OxfordAQA Centre Services: Results
This module will guide you through the key processes for viewing results in Centre Services.
Access moduleThe Centre Administrator e-learning course.
Module 1 – OxfordAQA Centre Services for Centre Administrators
This module will guide through the registration and initial core processes in Centre Services.
Access moduleModule 2 – OxfordAQA Centre Services: Exams for Centre Administrators
This module will guide you through the key processes found within the Exams tab in Centre Services.
Access moduleModule 3 – OxfordAQA Centre Services: Post-exams for Centre Administrators
This module will help you to carry out post-exam processes in Centre Services.
Access moduleModule 4 – OxfordAQA Centre Services: Results for Centre Administrators
This module will help you to carry out results processes in Centre Services.
Access moduleAdding and removing teachers
OxfordAQA Exams Officers can create accounts for teachers at their centre to access secured resources. You can also delete accounts for teachers who have left your centre, or submit a password reset if a teacher has forgotten their password. Our walkthrough video demonstrates how to do this.
Contact us
You can speak to our Exams Officer support team from 8am – 5pm UK time, Monday to Friday. You can contact us by email at [email protected] or call us on +44 (0) 161 696 5995.
Facebook page
For timely updates and support, visit the OxfordAQA Facebook page.
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If you have a specific query that could not be answered by the information provided on our support pages, please contact us via our Exam Administration query form.