Develop students’ transferable skills with project-based learning
The OxfordAQA International Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a project-based qualification that students can take alongside their chosen International AS/A-levels. The qualification helps students to develop independent learning skills that prepare them for university and beyond, including research, creative problem-solving and report writing.
OxfordAQA’s International EPQ is based on AQA’s UK domestic EPQ, which is by far the most popular and taken by almost 40,000 students annually. It is the first to be designed specifically for international students. This means our qualification has a proven track record as an A-level-standard, international project-based qualification which enables your students to cross academic boundaries and think innovatively.
International EPQ submissions are due by 1 May each year.
- Recognised by some of the world’s top higher education institutions, both British and American universities encourage students who have taken project qualifications to reference these in their applications.
- The International EPQ gives students the opportunity to stand out from the crowd in their university applications by demonstrating engagement with their chosen discipline beyond preparation for an exam.
- With OxfordAQA, the International EPQ allows more practically minded students the unique opportunity to produce a project around an “artefact”. This alternative to the more traditional 5,000-word extended essay requires learners to create a physical object (or outcome) of their choice in addition to a 1,000-word report. The only limit to the nature of the artefact is the candidate’s imagination. Artefacts can take the form of anything from a short film to organising an event of their choice, such as a school talent show.
- The International EPQ provides development opportunities for your staff as well as students, enabling supervisors to deepen their expertise in both the implementation and assessment of project-based learning.
You can also read our ‘extending into the future’ report to learn more about the benefits of project-based learning.
OxfordAQA International EPQ (9695)
The International EPQ requires 120 hours of study, consisting of 30 hours of taught skills and 90 hours of independent study. Student can complete the EPQ over one or two academic years.
The process works as follows:
- Students discuss their project ideas with a supervisor and an optional specialist.
- Students research and develop a project proposal for their supervisor to endorse and the centre coordinator to approve.
- Students independently develop their projects, guided by a series of taught skills lessons and supported by their supervisor, maintaining a Production Log of their progress.
- Students submit a 5000-word report and a Production Log. They also deliver an oral presentation to a non-specialist audience. Candidates can incorporate presentations into school parent evenings or ceremonies.
- Students have the option to submit a 1000-word report and an artefact (in lieu of the longer 5000-word essay). Full details on this option are in the specification.
- Supervisors grade the projects with the help of our step-by-step grading criteria and provide evidence that the presentation took place.
- The centre coordinator submits grades to OxfordAQA for moderation.
- Students receive certificates graded A*-E.
The International EPQ is a version of AQA’s UK Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), the most popular EPQ on offer that is taken by 40,000 students in England each year.
It is valued and encouraged by all Russell Group universities, twelve of which offer different conditional offers for students who are taking the qualification.
With the same structure and assessment approach as the EPQ, the International EPQ enjoys all the benefits of the UK qualification. These benefits have been the focus of several research studies in recent years, concluding the following:
- Students who take the qualification are 29% more likely to achieve a grade A*-B in most of their A-level subjects.
- Completing the qualification alongside A-level study is associated with better degree performance than taking A-levels only.
- Project-based qualifications give students ‘sovereignty’ over what and how they study. This helps to develop the independent study skills and self-regulated approach to learning that universities are looking for.
- Even when taking into account previous academic results, a significant positive relationship was found between qualification achievement and student motivation.
- There is also evidence that the qualification can help to lower participation barriers.
From the University of Oxford: “Where applicants have undertaken the OxfordAQA International Extended Project Qualification, this will not be a condition of any offer but the University recognises that the EPQ will provide an applicant with the opportunity to develop research and academic skills relevant for study at Oxford. Candidates are encouraged to draw upon relevant EPQ experience when writing their personal statement.”
OxfordAQA provides all the resources and advice you need to teach the International EPQ specification effectively.
- Download the specification
- Download the updated International EPQ candidate production log to capture your students’ marks
- View our training courses to help you deliver OxfordAQA project-based qualifications
- Approved textbooks and resources published by Oxford University Press.
We have too many International EPQ resources to list here, so please visit our resources area for teachers to see them all, including:
- Schemes of work to allow you to plan how to deliver the specification in a way that will best suit you and your students
- Teaching guidance to outline clearly the scope of teaching and learning
- Project exemplars and analysers that allow you to keep track of your students’ progress throughout the teaching year.
There is one entry series for the International EPQ each academic year. The entry deadline is 21 February and the submission of grades deadline is 1 May each year. See our Exams Admin page for more details.
Students must prepare an oral presentation when they undertake an International EPQ. The presentation can be delivered in the students’ preferred language.
International EPQ provides students with an opportunity to be assessed in multiple ways. Through:
- The production log
- The project report
- The presentation
This gives students more opportunities to demonstrate their skills.
Find out more on our Fair Assessment approach, which focuses on providing assessments that enable students to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do.
Our in-depth online training modules for schools looking to implement project-based learning give support to all members of your school’s International EPQ team. So whether you are a teacher, supervisor or centre coordinator, you can find a course for your needs.
- Course 1: What is required to deliver the OxfordAQA International EPQ?
- Course 2: What makes a good International EPQ supervisor?
- Course 3: What is expected of an International EPQ Centre Coordinator?
- Course 4: Understanding and applying the Assessment Objectives and grading criteria.
- Course 5: How to use the Production log.
- Course 6: Understanding artefact projects.
Find out more about the International EPQ e-learning course.
Take a look at:
- A case study from the Rosary School in Jordan
- Research on the evidence behind the benefits of extended project work
You must be an approved OxfordAQA centre to enter students for our exams. Make sure you become an OxfordAQA centre before you start teaching a course.
Watch the video to find out more
International EPQ is recognised by the world’s top universities
Develop teacher expertise through project-based learning
As an internally assessed qualification, the International EPQ develops and recognises the skills students need to progress and supports teachers to teach and assess those skills.
This provides an opportunity for teachers to deepen their expertise in assessing project-based learning which can contribute significantly to their ongoing CPD. It is supported throughout by high quality training, from orientation to standardisation, provided by OxfordAQA.
Another advantage of this approach compared with external assessment is that it gives teachers greater flexibility when supporting students. For example, if the student’s project does not meet the required standards, the teacher and student can decide to withdraw entry or defer until another series.
In addition to this, the International EPQ does not require external approval of project titles. We believe that approving titles de-professionalises teachers. Instead, we support teachers to have a dialogue with students, so that they can arrive at an appropriate title that will allow the student to demonstrate their knowledge and skill.