Resources for teachers

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Resources for International Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) (9695)
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Familiarise yourself with the syllabus content and assessment structure of this qualification.

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Scheme of Work

Plan your course with the help of a suggested pathway through the syllabus so you can be sure you are covering the essential content.

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Student-led scientific investigations

If a student wants to do a scientific investigation for their project-based qualification, please read this useful guide to how to conduct this kind of research project.

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Textbooks are also available from Oxford University Press. If you would like a closer look at the Oxford University Press textbook that supports this qualification, click on the link below. This will allow you to create an account that will give you free access to a 30-day online evaluation copy, meaning you can explore the resource and make sure it is right for you and your students.

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May/June 2023 examiner’s report

Download the examiner’s report from the May/June 2023 exam series.

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Marked exemplars

Prepare your students in exam technique with the help of exemplar student answers and examiner commentaries that show how examiners interpret the mark scheme. 

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Approved schools guidelines and logos

As an approved OxfordAQA centre, you have permission to use our approved centre badge on your marketing materials. Permission to use this logo is solely based on complying with these guidelines.

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Centre declaration sheets

Centre declaration sheets are for schools/colleges to authenticate students’ internally-assessed work and confirm the internal standardisation of marking.

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Extending into the future report

Extended project work, such as the International IPQ, helps prepare students for success at school, at university and in the careers of tomorrow.

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Production log

Document the planning and progress of the research project using the production log and assessment record.

For schools using the NEW International Extended Project Qualification – please use this revised Production Log to capture your students’ marks out of a maximum of 60.

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Project Q

An online management system to help keep student-led projects on track is available from Project Q. (

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Familiarise yourself with the syllabus content and assessment structure of this qualification.

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Scheme of Work

Plan your course with the help of a suggested pathway through the syllabus so you can be sure you are covering the essential content.

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Extending into the future report

Extended project work, such as the International IPQ, helps prepare students for success at school, at university and in the careers of tomorrow.

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Student-led scientific investigations

If a student wants to do a scientific investigation for their project-based qualification, please read this useful guide to how to conduct this kind of research project.

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Textbooks are also available from Oxford University Press. If you would like a closer look at the Oxford University Press textbook that supports this qualification, click on the link below. This will allow you to create an account that will give you free access to a 30-day online evaluation copy, meaning you can explore the resource and make sure it is right for you and your students.

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Approved schools guidelines and logos

As an approved OxfordAQA centre, you have permission to use our approved centre badge on your marketing materials. Permission to use this logo is solely based on complying with these guidelines.

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Production log

Document the planning and progress of the research project using the production log and assessment record.

For schools using the NEW International Extended Project Qualification – please use this revised Production Log to capture your students’ marks out of a maximum of 60.

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Project Q

An online management system to help keep student-led projects on track is available from Project Q. (

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May/June 2023 examiner’s report

Download the examiner’s report from the May/June 2023 exam series.

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Marked exemplars

Prepare your students in exam technique with the help of exemplar student answers and examiner commentaries that show how examiners interpret the mark scheme. 

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Centre declaration sheets

Centre declaration sheets are for schools/colleges to authenticate students’ internally-assessed work and confirm the internal standardisation of marking.

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