
This administration page for Invigilation covers guidance and training for Exams Officers and Invigilators, as well as documents for reporting issues.


This information is for you to ensure your invigilators are aware of the policies and procedures related to successfully running examinations. In turn, the invigilators will have the tools they need and a good understanding of their role, meaning all students have a fair and consistent experience throughout their exams.

The information in this section will support you and invigilators in understanding all aspects of running our examinations and guidance on accessing additional information if an issue occurs.

Key responsibilities

The Head of Centre must:

  • decide who is suitable for the role
  • appoint suitable individuals to the role
  • provide and maintain a training plan for Invigilators
  • ensure that any conflicts of interest have been declared and appropriate mitigations put in place, in line with OxfordAQA’s Terms & Conditions.
  • provide access to the Checklist for Invigilators
  • make sure that all Invigilators know what is expected of them and are fully briefed and trained
  • keep a record of this training until certificates are received.

The Exams Officer must:

  • have at least one copy of the full JCQ Instructions for conducting examinations (ICE) booklet in the main exam room
  • provide access to the ICE booklet in any other exam rooms, either in printed or digital format
  • plan for at least one Invigilator to be present for every 30 students in a written timetabled exam
  • share details of any student access arrangements for an exam, and what the Invigilator needs to do
  • ensure all students in the exam room are always visible to one or more Invigilators
  • ensure the Invigilator(s) have declared any previous experience in invigilation, and whether there have been any issues
  • keep Invigilator training records
  • keep records of Invigilators or Supervisors used for each exam
  • record actual start and finish times of your exams
  • record start and finish times of any periods of Full Centre Supervision if there is more than one exam in a day
  • retain the seating plan for each exam
  • note any changes to Invigilators during each exam or period of Full Centre Supervision.

We may ask to see these records at any time until you receive certificates.

An Invigilator must:

  • understand the regulations in the JCQ ICE booklet
  • be familiar with the Warning to Candidates, Information for Students (Written Exams and On-Screen Tests) and Unauthorised Items posters
  • deliver the Invigilator’s announcement before the exam begins and collect any unauthorised items from students
  • have access to a single mobile phone in the exam room in the event they need to call for help. This should be set on silent mode
  • understand any subject specific guidance related to the examination, such as listening test guidance.
  • give their full attention to the conduct of the exam and move around the room appropriately
  • tell the Head of Centre if they suspect malpractice.

An Invigilator must not:

  • do any task not related to the exam (such as marking) in the exam room
  • read the question paper
  • have access to any other form of communication while in the exam room
During the exam

Invigilators must be able to ask for help easily, without leaving the exam room or disturbing students. A sole invigilator can have a mobile phone in the exam room for this purpose only. They must keep the phone on silent mode and away from students.

A teacher who has prepared the students for the exam must not be the only Invigilator at any time.

For listening exams, a member of staff who speaks the language of the test should be there to deal with any technical problems. Do not count them as an Invigilator.

You can change Invigilators during an exam, as long as the minimum required number of Invigilators in the room is maintained. You must keep a record of any Invigilator changes during the exam.

Invigilators can be Supervisors for Full Centre Supervision.

Conflicts of interest

Anyone who has an interest in a student must not invigilate an exam by themselves. If the Head of Centre decides to use a student’s parent/guardian/carer or relative, they must complete the Conflict of Interest Declaration before the exams.

For each series, anyone involved in administering an exam that is being taken by a person they have an interest in must declare the details. This includes an interest in a person taking an OxfordAQA assessment at their own or at a different centre.

Roles which should make a declaration include, but are not limited to:

  • Head of Centre
  • Exams Officer
  • Invigilators/Supervisors
  • those involved in the administration or running of exams
  • secure storage key holders.

By ‘interest’, we refer to any relationship which could be perceived to compromise the integrity of:

  • your school
  • your school staff, or person associated with the centre
  • our assessments.

Examples of relationships include, but are not limited to:

  • a close relative (including a spouse or partner)
  • a relative whom you have regular contact with
  • a close friend
  • a colleague.

It is the Head of Centre’s responsibility to manage any declarations that have been made. Please read our Conflict of Interest Guidance for help and further information.

Invigilation for students with access arrangements

More details can be found in Section 13 of the ICE booklet.

General principles:

If OxfordAQA have agreed access arrangements for a student, invigilation arrangements must be made accordingly and adhered to.

If the student needs a separate room from other students, exam room conditions must be maintained, with an Invigilator who is not their teacher, teaching assistant or tutor and separate to a scribe or reader. The exam time and duration must be as agreed with OxfordAQA.

An individual appointed to support a student with access arrangements is responsible to the Exams Officer and must be declared suitable by the Head of Centre:

  • this person must not normally be the student’s own subject teacher or teaching assistant, however,
  • a separate Invigilator must always be present if the student’s own subject teacher or teaching assistant is supervising the arrangements
  • this person must not be a relative, friend or peer of the student
  • a private tutor cannot facilitate an access arrangement
  • a reader, scribe or practical assistant cannot also be an Invigilator for the same exam.
Invigilation for students using word processors

A word processor (e.g. computer, laptop or tablet), with the spelling and grammar check/predictive text disabled, may be used by a student where it is their normal way of working within the school. The school can provide the device and ensure it is set up in line with the JCQ ICE booklet.

Students must be reminded to save their work at regular intervals. Alternatively, an IT technician can set up ‘autosave’ on each laptop/tablet. This will ensure that if there is a complication or technical issue, the student’s work is not lost.

Useful documents

You can download the following documents for use in Invigilator training and OxfordAQA exams:

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