These administration pages for non-exam assessment (NEA) also cover coursework and controlled assessment.
What is NEA?
Non-exam assessment (NEA) refers to the elements of the specification that are marked by teachers and moderated by trained associates.
This document provides schools with information and guidance on conducting and administering NEAs.
We are committed to working with schools to deliver non-exam assessments of the highest quality and have developed practices and procedures that support this aim.
The list below provides a summary of these policies and procedures which must be carefully followed:
1.1 Supervision and authenticating:
1.2 Avoiding malpractice
1.3 Teacher standardisation
1.4 Internal standardisation
1.5 Annotation
1.6 Submitting marks
1.7 Factors affecting individual students
1.8 Keeping students’ work
1.9 Moderation
1.10 After moderation
You can find more detailed NEA guidance here.
NEA currently exists in the following qualifications:
- International GCSE Design and Technology: Product Design
- International GCSE English Language
- International GCSE English Literature
- International GCSE Media Studies (for first exams in May/June 2026)
- International A-level English Language
- International A-level English Literature
- International Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
For information on conducting the International GCSE English as a Second Language (9280) Speaking test, please refer to the Exams guidance page of our website.
Centre declaration sheets
Centre declaration sheets are for schools to authenticate students’ internally-assessed work and confirm the internal standardisation of marking.
Candidate record forms
We produce candidate record forms for all coursework and controlled assessment components. They are for students and teachers to authenticate the work, and teachers to record their assessments and supporting information.
International GCSE English Language (PDF)
International GCSE English Literature (PDF)
International A-Level English Language (PDF)
NEA administration
OxfordAQA provides guidance to all aspects of administering NEA grades.
- An overview of the administration around non-exam assessment can be found here.
- Instructions for submitting non-exam assessment (NEA) marks and grades can be found here.
- Information around sampling arrangements can be found here.
- FAQs surrounding digital submissions of NEA can be found here.
- Watch our guidance video on Centre Marks Submission for NEA components here.
NEA Adviser service
For OxfordAQA specifications with NEA components, there is a dedicated NEA adviser available to support with your questions. The advisers for each subject are experienced teachers and moderators who can provide guidance and support throughout the academic year on delivering NEA.
How can I get help with non-exam assessment?
You can receive guidance from a dedicated NEA adviser at any time in the academic year by emailing [email protected]. They will be able to offer advice and guidance on all non-examination matters, including guidance on task setting.
NEA advisers are available for the qualifications listed above
Teacher Online Standardisation (TOLS)
To support teachers in the marking of NEA components, Teacher Online Standardisation (TOLS) is available for OxfordAQA centres. Teachers will be able to mark recent student responses (updated each November from the previous May/June series) and receive feedback on the marking through comments made by the Lead Moderator. You will also be able to compare the mark you awarded the work to the actual mark the student was given.
Through practice, you will recognise the standard that needs to be applied when assessing the NEA work of candidates from your own centre. You are also able to share your own marks with colleagues from your department, an excellent professional development tool, ensuring standardisation and consistency across the entire subject team.
Teachers can mark student work from all OxfordAQA NEA components, and we strongly encourage your teachers to access this resource before they begin marking student work.
OxfordAQA centres can access TOLS via Centre Services. Select the ‘Pre-exam’ tab and then ‘Teacher online standardisation’.
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