If you're unhappy about an exam result, you can ask us for a clerical re-check or review of marking ('reviews of results'), or we can send you the marked paper ('access to scripts').
Post-results services
All you need to know about what we offer:
If you are an attached school you will need to contact the British Council to request this service on your behalf.
Students and parents – we are unable to take requests directly from you or talk to you about your results. Your exams officer or teacher will be able to help you.
Teachers – please view our quick guide to post-results services.
What’s available
If the student has a university place pending, you must only request a priority review of marking.
If the student does not have a university place pending, you can request a:
- priority copy of the marked paper to decide if you want a clerical re-check or review of marking (certain subjects only)
- clerical re-check for individual students
- review of marking for individual students
- moderation review for controlled assessment or coursework in a whole subject
- access to an original marked paper if you would like to use it to assist in your teaching
You can find information about the post-results fees on the individual service sections.
We provide market-leading specifications and first class support services that provide excellent value for money, please email us at [email protected] for further information or get in touch via the contact form on the website.
Please ensure you have obtained written consent from the student before requesting a review or priority review of marking, which can be done through completion of this form. The completed form should be retained by the school for six months following the outcome being received.
For more information on post-results, see the general regulations and terms and conditions for approved centres document on the Entries page of our website.
Private Candidates
If you are a private candidate, you can make these requests through your British Council Office. If you need any help, please email us at [email protected].
Clerical re-check
A clerical re-check of a marked paper will ensure that:
- every page in the paper has been marked
- every awarded mark has been counted
- the total result matches the awarded marks
Please keep in mind that during reviews of marking and clerical re-checks, marks and grades can go down, up or remain the same.
You can only request a clerical re-check once for each paper.
- Log in to Centre Services and select ‘Post-exams’ and ‘Post-results services’.
- Select ‘Clerical re-check’, and either ‘Request by candidate’ or ‘Request by component’.
- Select ‘Re-check’ or ‘Re-check (Plus reviewed script)’ on the submission screen.
Deadlines – Please refer to the dates and timetables page.
Process information:
- A clerical re-check takes up to ten calendar days.
- We will email your school’s Exams Officer to notify you when your clerical re-check outcome is available on Centre Services.
- Any requested copies of the checked paper will be emailed to the school once the review is complete, and will include examiner comments.
Review and priority review of marking
If you request a review or priority review of marking:
- it includes a clerical re-check
- you will receive a copy of the reviewed script as part of this service
- a second examiner will review the paper/recording again to identify genuine marking errors or unreasonable marking
- we will make sure all the marks are counted
Please be aware that grades may go down, up or remain the same. A review is the standard speed service for any student.
You can request these services for individual units or components.
You can only request a review of marking once for a paper.
- Log in to Centre Services and select ‘Post-exams’ and ‘Post-results services’.
- Select ‘Review of marking’ either ‘Request by candidate’ or ‘Request by component’ and then select the service ‘Non priority (Plus reviewed script)’ or ‘Priority (Plus reviewed script)’.
- You will receive a copy of the reviewed script as part of the review or priority review of marking service.
Deadlines – Please refer to the dates and timetables page.
Process information:
- It may take up to 20 calendar days for a review of marking.
- It may take up to 15 calendar days for a priority review of marking.
- We will email your school’s Exams Officer to notify them when your review outcome is available on Centre Services.
Moderation review
When a review of the moderation of coursework or controlled assessment mark is carried out, we will check to make sure the assessment criteria were applied fairly, reliably and consistently.
This service is only available for whole cohorts, not individual students. Private candidates can request a review, but only for certain specifications and when the work has been assessed by a moderator.
You can only request a review for work that has been kept in secure conditions and not returned to students.
- Log in to Centre Services and select ‘Post-exams’ and ‘Post-results services’.
- Select ‘Moderation review’ and ‘Request by component’.
Deadlines – Please refer to the dates and timetables page.
Process information:
- A moderation review may take up to 35 calendar days from the date the moderator receives the original samples from your school.
- We will email your school’s Exams Officer to notify them when your moderation review outcome is available on Centre Services.
- Your school will receive an additional feedback form once the outcome is available.
Priority copy of marked paper (access to scripts)
This is a photocopy of the marked exam paper that you can use to decide whether to request a review of marking or clerical re-check.
Do not do this if a student’s university place is pending. Go straight to priority review of marking instead.
You can request a marked exam paper.
- Log in to Centre Services and select ‘Post-exams’ and ‘Post-results services’.
- Select ‘Access to scripts’, either ‘Request by candidate’ or ‘Request by component’.
- Choose the ‘Priority’ option on the submission screen.
Deadlines – Please refer to the Dates and Timetables page.
Original marked paper (access to scripts)
Schools can request access to scripts for an original marked exam paper to use for your teaching and learning.
You can request a marked exam paper.
- Log in to Centre Services and select ‘Post-exams’ and ‘Post-results services’.
- Select ‘Access to scripts’, either ‘Request by candidate’ or ‘Request by component’.
- Choose the ‘Original’ option on the submission screen.
Deadlines – Please refer to the Dates and Timetables page.
How long it takes
Schools will receive the papers within five weeks of the request.
What happens next
Original marked papers will be paper or electronic copies. These may arrive in several batches.
If there is a problem with the copies you receive, please let us know within two weeks of receipt – we may not be able to help you after this time.
If you would like to cancel a request for an original marked paper (for example, because you want to request a review of marking or clerical re-check or appeal), please let us know immediately. There might still be time for us to cancel sending the original marked paper to you.
Track requests, receive outcomes and pay
If you submitted your request online, you can track it in Centre Services under ‘View or cancel requests’.
For original marked papers, the status of your request on Centre Service will always show as ‘In Progress’. It won’t change to ‘completed’ until we send the papers.
If you change your mind about a request, let us know straight away. You can cancel requests that show as ‘Submitted’ by going to ‘View or cancel requests’. If this fails, we may be able to action the cancellation for you. In these instances please email [email protected]
We will email your school’s exams officer when the decision (outcome) is available on Centre Services.
We might split your outcomes over several emails and you’ll receive one outcome per modular unit.
You might not receive outcomes in the order you expect. For example, non-priority outcomes might arrive before priority ones and a batch request might return to you over the course of two days rather than all on the same day. This is due to variations in volume, demand and complexity.
With modular exams, we will give a student a new combined (aggregate) grade once all the relevant units have been checked. If the overall grade changes, each unit outcome will show the new grade, even if not all the individual unit marks changed. Unit grade changes are not always enough to change the overall grade.
Bear in mind that total component marks might not equal subject marks because of scaling. Should you require further explanation please email us at [email protected] or contact us via the contact form on our website.
We will invoice you when the review is complete. Please do not pay in advance.
Invoices are sent following the series:
June series: Sent in November
November series: Sent in March the following year
January series: Sent in June
The appeals process is available to schools and private candidates who are still dissatisfied after receiving the outcome of a review of results.
We provide market leading specifications and first class support services that provide excellent value for money, please email us at [email protected] for further information or contact us via the contact form on our website.
Please email the Appeals team at [email protected] within 30 calendar days of receiving the outcome. There are two stages to our appeals process and the decision of the appeals process is final.
Preliminary Stage: your appeal will be reviewed by a member of staff who has had no previous involvement with your case. If you are not happy with the outcome, you have 14 calendar days to submit an application for an appeal hearing.
Hearing Stage: your appeal is heard by an appeal panel, which will include at least one independent member.
We adhere to the JCQ information and guidance for centres for examinations, JCQ provide the administrative guidance for UK based awarding organisations.
We send certificates to schools about eight weeks after results day. They show the final, confirmed results.
Check that you have all the certificates you expected. Give them to students without delay (using secure post if sending by mail), and keep a record of what you’ve issued. Any unclaimed certificates must be stored securely for at least 12 months, then destroyed confidentially or sent back to us.
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If you have a specific query that could not be answered by the information provided on our support pages, please contact us via our Exam Administration query form.